Contact us

Contact us:

Tel: 01273 506087

Pavilion & Avenue Tennis Club

19 The Droveway



We answer any queries as fast as possible, but please note that our enthusiastic “team” has no full-time adminstrator. The club is run by part-time employees and volunteers 🙂 So, while we’d love always to provide an instant response, this is often not possible.

Telephone:  01273 506087. This is answered when the bar is open. This is usually 4-7pm weekdays, all day Saturday and 11-4 most Sundays. Otherwise, a message will be answered the next time someone is in.

Email: You can also email the club’s (part-time) admin, Nicky: admin (@) Nicky doesn’t work every day, so a reply will be coming, but may take 24-48 hours.