Members’ code of conduct

General Code of Conduct


Safeguarding policy
Safeguarding policy statement
Safeguarding – whistleblowing
Changing room policy
Online Safety and Communication Policy

Diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion

Club constitution

Club constitution

Disciplinary procedure and policy

Disciplinary Procedure and Policy


Privacy Policy

Complaints procedure

Complaints procedureĀ 

Anti-bullying policy

Anti-bullying policy


Photography and Filming Policy

Welfare Officer

Our Welfare Officer (also the club Administrative Officer) is Nicky Salmon. She can be contacted at:, or a message left at the bar on 01273 506087.

Nicky has a long history of sports involvement, including working for sports clubs and also as a Sports Development Officer for Brighton and Hove Council. Nicky is also a keen Brighton and Hove Albion fan, and she enjoys playing table tennis.