Please support our planning application – NOW

PLEASE, PLEASE – if you have not already please support our application for more floodlights (cts 1, 6, 7, 8) to the council. Every letter or email really does count. We currently have 60 – which is good: but with 15 of those being MC members and Coaches we’d hope to get more member support. I know everyone is busy, but please help. It would mean a lot.

Here is the email if you have not seen it. Thanks in advance.

The Committee

(Dear Members etc…)

…happily, there is still time to register your support before the deadline of 12th May. The application will go to the full Planning Committee for determination after that date, even if the case officer recommends approval, as we are aware at least two Councillors are against it.
Therefore, it is important that as many individual members as possible register their support even if they live at the same address. It is not a tick-box exercise. It matters in determining the outcome that the Council is aware of the wholehearted support of Club members and friends of the Club.

You can either:
Use the portal on the B&H planning website to register your support. Log in via this link and register your details.
BH2023/00643 | Installation of 12no lighting columns to courts 6, 7 and 8 and 6no lighting columns to court 1. | 19 The Droveway Hove BN3 6LF (
They advise you to copy and paste the text from another document as the access is time limited. It also limits the number of characters so it will not accept the full text of the letter if you copy and paste that into the portal. However, even if you just indicate support and cut and paste the following text into the box, it will count:
As a member of Pavilion and Avenue Tennis Club, I wish to register my support for the installation of new energy efficient LED floodlights at the Club. They will have minimal impact on wildlife and our neighbours as there is virtually no light spillage beyond the court perimeter fence with this latest technology. This will allow the Club to make full use of the facilities at the Club during the winter months for the benefit of members and the wider community who have access for specific school/community programmes.

Depending on your computer software, you can access the support letter via one of the 2 links below for Word and Text documents respectively.
Once downloaded, add your name, address and date.

There are four ways to send it to the Council Planning Department.
• Simply print it, sign it and post it in a stamped addressed envelope to Liz Hobden, Head of Planning, City Development and Regeneration, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove, BN3 3BQ.
• Simply print it, sign it and stick it in an envelope addressed to Liz Hobden, Head of Planning, City Development and Regeneration, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove, BN3 3BQ and drop it off at the Town Hall.
• By email to Make sure you put the reference ‘BH2023/00643 FAO Liz Hobden, Head of Planning’ in the subject line of the email.

Many thanks,

The Management Committee