Pav & Ave Third Team beat Arundel 3 – 1
On a grey Sunday morning the Pav & Ave third team findly ground down a stubborn Arundel Team (their only team) to win by three matches to one. Sounds convincing – right? Well the truth is that their first pair retired after just a handful of games when they were losing to Jason and Steve. They probably saw the writing was on the wall after Steve had delivered a little variety of drop shops and lobs. They thought that perhaps sitting on a terrace with a cold beer might be more appealing. In fairness Jason and Steve had seen off their second pair with a slightly patchy performance. Experienced told.
The match hinged on Big Al and Colin winning one of their matches. They narrowly lost to the first pair in a Championship tie break. So it was all down to their corresponding match with the second pair. Again it went down to a championship tie break. At 7- 2 it looked like a breeze but tennis is never that simple. After Arundel pulled it back to 7 apiece Big Al and Colin finally got themselves together to win 10 – 7. We had beer, we had sandwiches – we talked rubbish. Another normal roller coaster match in the life of Neil Moss’s Third team that may be the Second team. It’s certainly the oldest.