Tennis Club Membership – including Pro rata rates

Pavilion & Avenue is a friendly & welcoming club for all ages & abilities. Membership runs from 1st April through to 31st March of the following year. We offer pro rata rates from August & there are often membership deals from January through to March. New members are more than welcome to come along & try our facilities.

For all membership enquiries please contact Nicky –

Pavilion & Avenue Tennis Club19 The Droveway, Hove, BN3 6LF 01273 506087


Please note that we have now reached our maximum numbers and membership is now closed for the 2021-22 season.

Should you be interested in joining please email Nicky in order to be added to our waiting list. An email will follow early 2022 to check that you still wish to remain on our list, prior to the start of the 2022-23 season. The Management Committee apologises that we are unable to accommodate you at present.


Full Price Category August September October November December January February March
£298 Senior (Adult Individual) £200 £175 £150 £125 £100 £75 £50 £25
£520 Couple (Partners living at same address) £344 £301 £258 £215 £172 £129 £86 £43
£566 Family (living at same address, excluding children over 21) £376 £329 £282 £235 £188 £141 £94 £47
£440 1 Parent & 2 Juniors £296 £259 £222 £185 £148 £111 £74 £37
£375 1 Parent & 1 Junior £248 £217 £186 £155 £124 £93 £62 £31
£141 Intermediate Senior (18-21) & Full Time Student under 26 £96 £84 £72 £60 £48 £36 £24 £12
£131 Junior (under 18 on previous 1st January) £88 £77 £66 £55 £44 £33 £22 £11
£76 Munchkin (under 8 on previous 1st January) £48 £42 £36 £30 £24 £18 £12 £6

Please note that these rates are for new members only. Any member not renewing from June & re-joining later in the year is subject to an additional month’s fee.

Pavilion & Avenue tennis club championships 2017
Membership Category – Subscription Rates

(A) Senior (Adult Individual) £298

(B) Couple (Partners living at same address) £520

(C) Family (living at same address excluding children over 21) £566

(D) 1 Parent + 2 Juniors £440

(E) 1 Parent + 1 Junior £375

(F) Intermediate Senior (18-21) & full-time student under 26 £141

(G) Junior (under 18 on previous 1st January)*£131

(H) Munchkin Junior (under 8 on previous 1st January)*£ 76

* Parents/Guardians of Juniors & Munchkins are responsible for their child’s behaviour on Club premises

Payments received after 21st April 2020 incur a penalty of 1 month’s membership.Subscriptions are non-refundable & are to be accompanied by this completed form.Please indicate the payment method used.

Cheque(s)– payable to: Pavilion & Avenue TC. The 1st payment to be received no later than 21/4 (at least one third of fee followed by 2 consecutive cheques dated no later than 21/5 & 21/6). Please post cheques to the Club or pass to the Admin Officer / Bar Staff.

Cash/ Card:when Bar is open/Admin Officer is on site.(Please do not post.1 payment only.)

BACS:Barclays 20-12-75 A/C Pavilion & Avenue TC 00716375. Full name as reference. 1 payment only.  – Please see new form for ways to pay.

Pavilion & Avenue Tennis Club 19 The Droveway, Hove, BN3 6LF  01273 506087