The Ladies Third Team hammer Cross in Hand 4 – 0 and go top!
The Pavilion & Avenue Ladies Third team had a convincing win over the Cross in Hand Ladies Second team winning 4- 0 and so going to the top of the table.
The First pair were made up of Hilary Jewers and and team captain Josephine Acerenza and in the first match had a right royal battle with the first pair. Having split two very tight sets they then showed their determination by winning the Championship tie break 10 – 6. On the next court the second pair of Susy Petit and Jackie Engleberg easily dispatched the Cross in Hand Second pair 6- 1 and 6 – 3.
Turning round. Hilary and Josephine carried on their good form and again easily overwhelmed the opposition 6 – 1 and 6 – 2. Encouraged and invigorated by their first round win Susy and Jackie beat their opponents 7-5 and 6-0.
The Ladies Third team have built up considerable momentum and with a strong and enthusiastic squad look well placed to win the division as champions.