Easter Monday Tournament, 3-5pm
There’s a fun tournament on Easter Monday at 3-4pm. I’ve just added an extra court – because it was nearly fully booked.
The tournament is followed by tea, sandwiches and cake.
SO THERE ARE CURRENTLY EIGHT LAST PLACES… If you want to come and join the fun. Please book without delay.
Pop in and book and pay at the bar, or phone and talk to Ann and Gill. Leave a message if there’s no-one there. (If you promise to pay, they’ll book you on 😉 )
***Tournament and refreshments: £8 (Tournament only £3)***
First prize: £10 cash. 2nd and 3rd prizes £5 vouchers to spend at the bar.
Any further proceeds go into club funds.
Please come along, support the club, have some fun.
Stay tuned for more tournaments including two on the bank holidays in May, as well as for news of “Jason’s Barbecues”.
**Thanks Franco**
Franco is organising the tournament this time, ably advised by Dexter. Many thanks to both.
Have a fantastic Easter whatever you are doing.
Cheers for now